Welp, FetishCon 2011 has come and gone and already I am left wanting more, despite my being bruised, broken and sore as fuck.
I arrived late Wednesday, leaving after work. I got to the Main Sail first and hung out with the absolutely BEAUTIFUL Caramel Dreams. That girl is way more beautiful in person than she is in her pictures, let me just tell you that. We didn't get to hang out too long because she had a session and so I headed over to the Hyatt and met up with Chi (@SpaceCitySoles on twitter) and Ken (@KenPlaysGuitar).
Thursday...what the hell did I do Thursday?? I think I did stuff. I hung out with Chrissy Daniels and while we were shooting in the hallway, we managed to be shooting RIGHT outside Dave from Lone Star Damsel's room, which we did not know until Chrissy was topless and the bell hop was bringing up someone's luggage and it turned out to be Dave!! I was SO excited. Chrissy and I ended up doing a Damsel in Distress clip with Dave which was a blast! Dave is one of my FAVORITE producers to shoot with. He's an absolute blast to work with, plus he blows up my ego so it's about 12 times as large as normal. Anyway, after shooting with Dave, I got ready for my shoot with Dr E. Let me tell you a BIT about Dr E and I. I have been hassling him for THREE PLUS YEARS to shoot. Since before I was a model. I saw his work and fell in LOVE with it. And finally, FINALLY, I was like "dude. you are shooting me at fetishcon." and so we did. Aaaaand. I showed up wearing a fake mustache and mickey ears. yea. After shooting with Dr E (with Whitney Morgan playing instigator/escort) was the Meet and Greet. The Meet and Greet was a blast. I finally got to meet Craig from RAO Entertainment, Jason Ninja (@Jasoninja), Roxie Rae, Chanel (@TSSexyChanel), Goddess XTC and a bunch of other folks in person. After the Meet and Greet...well. Silly Sexy Insanity. We'll leave it at that.
Friday was pretty laid back. I got a lot of browsing done on the Con floor, rode a Symbian at the Clips4Sale booth as well as busting Slave Andy there. Friday night I shot with Ken for four hours of insanity, which included the soon to be infamous Epic Tits vs Sugar Tits clip with Whitney Morgan. Let me just say...Boobie Sweat might be my newest favorite term EVER. Not only could I not stop laughing the whole time, but I looked absolutely hilarious in shorts, knee high socks, and a tank top. Ken isn't a published producer..YET. But, let me just tell you that this clip was the most fun clip I have ever filmed. Cat fighting, hair pulling, forced foot worshiping, tickling, spanking, wrestling, grappling, nylons, bondage, name calling, boob smothering, ...you name it, it happened. Afterwards, I about died laughing for at least 20 minutes.
Saturday, I had to be up WAY early for a shoot with Charlee Chase. We shot a bunch of tickling stuff, wrestling, hair washing and SPH/masturbation instruction. So fun!! After that, I harassed Dave and ended up wearing a Riddler costume (as in Batman) for most of the rest of the day, running around manically laughing as I jumped, molested, groped, fondled and poked people with Dave from Lone Star. It was hilarious...exhausting, but hilarious. My legs now hurt like a bitch (I was running on my tippy toes) but the price of beauty and fun was totally worth it.
Sunday, I woke up really early for breakfast with Dave, then shot a few clips with him for my store (tickling and leotard stuff), then walked the floor buying stuff (new Girdlebound piece and new fetish heels!! :D) before shooting with Jason Ninja, Goddess XTC and Whitney Morgan. Finally, headed home and called the whole thing a weekend.
At some point, I kissed everyone I saw while wearing a fake mustache. I flogged some bitches. The valet told me that my mustache was sexy. I met Miss Foot Night 2010 (Shauna Ryanne) and shot with her for SpaceCitySoles with Scarlett Lush and Whitney Morgan. I goofed off, molested a bunch of tits and ass, rubbed my titties on a bunch of people, got eyeball fucked by Captain Jack, had a couple sessions, made some moolah, drank a lot of alcohol, talked to people I haven't seen in ages, and did not get a whole lot of sleep. All in all, it was a most excellent weekend. There was a mustache musical in my room to the tune of Lonely Island's Captain Jack Sparrow (partially inspired I think by Captain Jack walking around molesting boobs).
Haha I was the session that made you leave Main Sail early. Sorry.