So, I go into the pool and he immediately sits next to me on th
e seat/bench thing in the pool, and puts his arm around me. Um. No. I don't know this guy's name but immediately I can tell that this isn't going to be good. He spent the next 5 minutes informing me of some story about why he isn't friends with one of the girls I was talking to earlier, and basically the underlying meaning of his story is that he's ridiculously clingy and can't take no for an answer. UGH. Seriously, this guy would not stop talking. Let me get this straight to you guys. I go to the nudist resort to be treated like a human being, not an object of someone's wet dreams later. And until yesterday, that's how I've always been treated. People are friendly and respectful and they mind that personal bubble su

rrounding you. But no. Not this guy. He was all up on me. Now, don't get me wrong, I love people and I love my friends, but if you're a complete fucking stranger, I don't want to know your life story. Don't care. I'm probably one of the friendliest, most caring people you will ever meet. I care so much that I get walked all over. But dude. Leave me the fuck alone with your life story, and don't ask so many questions that I don't actually have time to answer. And don't answer your questions for me. Yea. that isn't cool. Anyway. He asked me why I go to the resort, I told him it's to get away from people and relax. He asked me personal questions that were none of his goddamn business. He was like a desperate puppy. I don't like desperate puppies. Desperation is not sexy.
I don't get that about guys. I'm obviously telling you that I'm not interested, and yet they pester and pester. Do guys really think that's the way to get a girl? I want to be friends with someone before being a lover (ok, maybe sometimes I don't want to be friends with my lovers. shut up.) or in a relationship. But to be my friend, it's a give and take. You can't speak for me unless you happen to have a matching tattoo on your hip and have known me for over a decade. You can't pester me with questions and then not give me a chance to answer for myself. Don't assume things about me. I hate that. Assumptions don't make an ass out of you and I, they just make an ass out of you. For all I know, this guy is one of the pathetic losers who follows me on facebook and really does worship the ground I walk on. I don't know. But regardless, no. just plain fucking no.
Anyhow. I've avoided having private time with the Beast since he came over one night and we smoked up then proceeded to have pool sex. Pool sex is definitely overrated. It was my first time but, I have to admit, the body high I had made it waaaay better than it would have been. That was a week ago now. I've seen him twice since and frankly...I've avoided getting drunk so I could drive home so that I wouldn't sleep with him again. I fucking hate emotions. Emotions fuck with me way too much. I can't do this. I can't. And so damnit. I'm not going to. If I can't just sleep in bed with someone then I'm not going to. What's so hard about that? I've done that with him and countless other people. Bleh. Emotions and I do not get along.
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