Saturday, February 6, 2010


Last night I had a wonderful session with Slave Andy. Kicked him in the balls, forced him to smell my feet and armpits, and kicked him in the balls some more. If I've learned anything in the past 6 months, it's that there is nothing quite like kicking a guy in the balls. All of my angers, frustrations, annoyances, and whatever else are gone by the time I'm done. Whether barefoot or in shoes, nothing is quite as good feeling as bringing a guy to his knees after kicking him so hard that he can't take it. The first time I kicked Andy, I was so worried about hurting him that I didn't give it my all. Last night though, I slowly got more confidence in both him and me that I was able to bring him down to his knees multiple times. See, Andy is one of those super sweet guys I wouldn't want to kick but since I know how much he likes it...well. Let's just say I'm one to please.

Earlier this week, against the better judgment of most all of my friends, I went out with an ex after class and grabbed a couple beers. I was pleasantly surprised by how much fun I had talking with him. We shut down the bar and then were in the parking lot talking for another hour. It was really nice. Half the time he kept trying to convince me that I'm cute, hot, whatever. He knew me way back before this badgirl streak hit. I was a bad girl in high school though...drugs, sex, alcohol, sex. Now my being a bad girl is just my webcamming and dom'ing. It was so nice to laugh and talk with him. No judgments or bringing up the past. Just hanging out and drinking beers.

Wednesday I've got a ballbusting client coming into town. I can't wait.

Valentine's Day is next week. Please should send me gifts and money. Just saying. P O B o x 189, Goldenrod FL 32733

1 comment:

  1. "If I've learned anything in the past 6 months, it's that there is nothing quite like kicking a guy in the balls. All of my angers, frustrations, annoyances, and whatever else are gone by the time I'm done. "

    honestly this quote is worth to be memorized .

    you are just amazing
